Monday, October 26, 2009

My tv habits

My tv habits have changed alot since childhood. As an adult I watched alot of tv when I didn't have things to do.Lately my tv habits have increased because I've had alot of time on my hand.For the past several days my tv habits are as followed.Sunday
I watch Hgtv that morning at 11:00am to 2:00pm.Then about 3:00pm I watch several football games.I watched the Steelers vs.Vikings,Saints vs.Dolphins and the Gaints vs. Dolphins all these games were exciting.Saturday I watched tv for about three hours I watched a programm that was recorded earlier.Saturdays are days that I don't watch alot of tv. Friday I watch a movie called Howard the Duck,this movie last about two hours.Thursday are my days to watch tv I watch Real Housewives of Atlanta from morning to night with no interruptions. Wednesday I watched the morning news for thirty minutes and on to Hgtv for a few hours and later that evening I watched Oprah and then the news at five. Tuesday I don't watch much tv because of classes.However on Mondays, I watch tv all day starting with Hgtv, music videos and then later that night I watch the WWE for about two hours. What my tv habits say about me is that if I have the time I will watch tv all day also my habits say that I'm a big fan of Hgtv because I can watch it everyday for hours.

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