Thursday, October 22, 2009

Movies 10 years ago...

Lights,camera,action was the excitment created about movies 10 years ago. The Thrill of being able to go the theater and watch a movie on the big screen was well anticipated when there was a movie that interested you.10 years ago movies were limited to the theaters and video stores.Now this day and time you don't have to go to a theater to see the latest movie.The latest movies can be downloaded on your personal comptuter or ipod.Also you can can now order movies straight from your tv set through your cable company.I remember going to the movies 10 plus years ago to me it was exciting because going to the movies gave me an oppurtunity to spend time with that special someone or the family.When the buzz was created about a good movie 10 years ago we had no tother choice we had to wait until the motion picture caqme to the big screen there were no early release downloads or anything like that.I remember when 'Waiting to Exhale' came out it was so much buzz about that movie it had women from all around wanting to go see the movie.Women waited in long lines just to see the movie,now it's a classic.Now if you want to see a movie you can download it or buy it bootleg from someone you don't have to even leave to comfort of your home.So comparing movies from 10 years ago to today I would rather take a trip to the theater.Also movies today are more digital meaning that most sceens are created by computers and other technology. 10 years ago movies were made sceen by sceen with personal touch.

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