Monday, December 7, 2009

Press Releases

Press releases are design to give information about an upcoming event or movie.Press releases puts any questions to rest also they give the buzz or hype the crowd about different things. Since I'm a big WWE fan I will do a press release about the TLC event coming up next week.

TLC aka Table,Ladders & Chairs presented by Smackdown vs Raw

Ladies and Gentemen the new and first time ever event of the WWE is TLC,Tables Ladders and Chairs featuring your World Champion John Cena defending his title in a table match against the Celtic Warrior Chameus. This match will feature the use of tables and the first to be put to a table will win the match. The next match in TLC is the 18th time winner of the Survivor Series ,The Undertaker, will take on Dave 'The Animal'Batista in an electrifying steel chair match.Tune in the Sunday on pay per view to see who will become the new World Champion.

Television & Family

Television in my house is serious business,it's all about who gets the remote first. My family is big on tv, each person has their own personal show they like to watch.My son is big on sports so he watches anything sports related and also ESPN. My sister likes to watch Lifetime.My fifteen year old son watches the Cartoon Network and I like Hgtv and Bravo networks.We all enjoy tv each bedroom has a tv in it so if the main tv is taken we all can go into another room to watch our favorite program.

STOP the Merger!!!!!!

Well as you may know the Govenor of Mississippi is trying to merge 8 universities into 5 to save the state 35 million dollars supposedly. Well I think that Haley Barbour is trying to dismantle all that HBCU stands for.You see what better way to take away something that my ancestors fought hard for then to make three major universities into to one.To me this is a tactic to monitor us like they did in 50's ,60's and 70's he wants to limit our world of education by making us become one.This will not work because each university has their own identity,they each have certain things they are known for, they each have things they had to overcome just to earn the priviledge to be Historically Black, now he wants to take all of our ancestors hard work ,sweat and tears away just because he is Prejudice. There are other colleges in the state why can't he even look at the idea to merge or even close some of them. You have six Hinds Community College campuses, you have Ole Miss And a host of other community colleges that don't hold a candle to our HBCU's. As a student who attended two of the HBCU I personally know that is our duties to protect our heritage from our oppressors we owe it to our ancestors to stand up and protest and stop this insane act of a paid off Governor who is on an mission to oppress the success of our colleges.You see the Republicans are trying to control our education because they are afraid that we may create another Martin Luhter King or Obama. They are afraid of our being here and they are trying hard to do something about.Out of the fifty plus years these schools have been in existence this is a first.I want everybody to continue to fight for our rights to stay original.My grandmother once told me that "if you don't stand for something you will lay down for anything" so I say to everyone that reads this blog "Stand up" and be heard.

Interview with family

Well this assisgnment calls for me to talk with my parents or grandparents,unfortunately, I don't have any they all are deceased. However, I talked weith my older aunts and friends of the family.They don't know what sociasl media is they are old school.None of them own a computer or any other device.My aunt just got a cell phone and she doesn't use it for socializing it's on a need to use basis.She says she can live without a computer because she doesn't know anything about it and probably won't ever use it.To her this is a waste of time because she wasn't brought up with it so basically she saying she's set in her ways.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

'The WWW and how it has changed our lives'

The world wide web or www has had an anormous impact on our lives today.The www put everything within the touch of a button.Using the internet is the most easy way to apply for a job online,go to school,shop from home,file taxes and even bank online.The web gives a new meaning to convinence. All businesses now have a website were the consumer can see what they have to offer. Most colleges or universities have website so students can register and stay informed about the school activities.There is one particular wesite I like to view and shop from and that's I get to see new items that are not offered in the stores and at a much reasonable price. Also you can obtain the latest fast breaking news online,you can listen to online radio,view online tv.The has changed our lives so drastically that if it were to be taken away we would have a hard time functioning because we are so use to having thbings at our fingertips.

Monday, October 26, 2009

My tv habits

My tv habits have changed alot since childhood. As an adult I watched alot of tv when I didn't have things to do.Lately my tv habits have increased because I've had alot of time on my hand.For the past several days my tv habits are as followed.Sunday
I watch Hgtv that morning at 11:00am to 2:00pm.Then about 3:00pm I watch several football games.I watched the Steelers vs.Vikings,Saints vs.Dolphins and the Gaints vs. Dolphins all these games were exciting.Saturday I watched tv for about three hours I watched a programm that was recorded earlier.Saturdays are days that I don't watch alot of tv. Friday I watch a movie called Howard the Duck,this movie last about two hours.Thursday are my days to watch tv I watch Real Housewives of Atlanta from morning to night with no interruptions. Wednesday I watched the morning news for thirty minutes and on to Hgtv for a few hours and later that evening I watched Oprah and then the news at five. Tuesday I don't watch much tv because of classes.However on Mondays, I watch tv all day starting with Hgtv, music videos and then later that night I watch the WWE for about two hours. What my tv habits say about me is that if I have the time I will watch tv all day also my habits say that I'm a big fan of Hgtv because I can watch it everyday for hours.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Movies 10 years ago...

Lights,camera,action was the excitment created about movies 10 years ago. The Thrill of being able to go the theater and watch a movie on the big screen was well anticipated when there was a movie that interested you.10 years ago movies were limited to the theaters and video stores.Now this day and time you don't have to go to a theater to see the latest movie.The latest movies can be downloaded on your personal comptuter or ipod.Also you can can now order movies straight from your tv set through your cable company.I remember going to the movies 10 plus years ago to me it was exciting because going to the movies gave me an oppurtunity to spend time with that special someone or the family.When the buzz was created about a good movie 10 years ago we had no tother choice we had to wait until the motion picture caqme to the big screen there were no early release downloads or anything like that.I remember when 'Waiting to Exhale' came out it was so much buzz about that movie it had women from all around wanting to go see the movie.Women waited in long lines just to see the movie,now it's a classic.Now if you want to see a movie you can download it or buy it bootleg from someone you don't have to even leave to comfort of your home.So comparing movies from 10 years ago to today I would rather take a trip to the theater.Also movies today are more digital meaning that most sceens are created by computers and other technology. 10 years ago movies were made sceen by sceen with personal touch.